Seven Things...

...That Have Kept Me Sane
 Through All of This Cold and Wet

I thought it was supposed to be warm and dry in Texas but this Winter in Houston has proven that assumption wrong. We have had record breaking (for us) cold days even seeing SNOW a couple of times and now that it has warmed up a bit the sun almost refuses to come out on a regular basis. 
I have inherited a bit of my mother's Seasonal Effective Disorder that if I am not careful can cause depression if I allow myself to give into it during darker, colder and gloomier seasons such as this one we are currently in. 

I have, however, somehow managed to somewhat keep my sanity and this is a little list of a few things that were contributing factors:

1) Sunlight

It sounds so simple, just opening the blinds, but it makes such a difference for me. It may not be the greatest view ever, just the side of Cottage 7, but I am so thankful for these great huge picture windows in my dining room. Every morning whether its sunny or raining, bright and shining or cold and grey like the picture above that I took today, I open these blinds and let as much Vitamin D as possible pour in while I sit and study. Its funny because after about 7pm I love to turn all the cottage lights down and turn on soft lamp light instead, creating a sense of cozy and comfy, but in the morning time and throughout the day I need sunlight!!! 

2) Book Club  

A few weeks ago some of us on campus began a Book Club as part of the Wellness Committee, which seeks to bring spiritual, physical and emotional wellness to staff. I volunteered to lead the Book Club and I have been so glad that I did. It has been such a good discipline to have this as a reason that I MUST read a bit daily and I have to admit that it has felt good to allow my "teacher side" to come out a little again as I have prepared for the meetings each week. The book that was chosen, The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog by Bruce D. Perry MD and PhD, is a hard but wonderful read for parents but especially for those who work in foster care or with children who have experienced trauma. Being a part of this weekly club has reminded me how much I crave learning and it has reinforced in my mind the need for it in my daily life. One of my goals for the year has been to find ways to become a life long learner and this is proving itself to be a great starting point. 

3) Bullet Journal-ing  

I have seen Bullet Journals on Pinterest for several years now and have sort of always brushed them off as beautiful time wasters. Recently, however, I gave in and decided to try them, using them only for things I need and that will truly help me organize my thoughts and my day. Since we have a master calendar on our computer that Cliff and I use to keep up with campus activities, along with a dry erase board calendar that we use in the cottage with the boys, I did not really need to use it like many do as a daily/weekly planner. I have, however, found it very useful in allowing my creativity to flow as I track goals and progress in things I am trying to accomplish on my yearly resolutions and also for keeping up with all the daily to-do lists I make when keeping a cottage full of kiddos running. I realized I was making myself endless little lists on post-its, scrap paper and on my phone and it would be nice to have all these lists instead in one place where I could keep up with them better. I also have realized in the process that its nice to have such a pretty reminder of what I have actually accomplished in a day, week, month or year. Sometimes as a stay at home mom, which is essentially what this job here at BGC is, its easy to feel stressed and like you haven't done anything real with your time at the end of day. It has already proven beneficial to my emotional sanity to see a visual reminder of what I am actually doing and to allow myself to feel good about these little victories of forward progress.  My pages so far are not super creative, in fact if you were to search my Pinterest you would see other pages that are almost identical, but they have brought me joy until I find the time to create more original BuJo pages. 

4) Iced Coffee   

I am addicted to iced coffee; even on these cold winter days its what's in my cup! I think the obsession started back when Cliff and I were first married and he worked at Starbucks and he would bring me home yummy iced chais and coffees. I have learned to create a version of these tasty treats at home that doesn't require leaving the comforts of my cottage and that doesn't break the bank! I also love my pretty pink Artic that my sweet Erin girl got me at Buc-ee's. Sometimes, I have to admit, as I lie in bed in the mornings after the alarm has gone off and I am trying to convince myself to get up, it is the thought of my iced coffee that gets my feet to hit the floor. This cup is with me so much of the time that lately if I leave it in the other room Bug has started bringing it to me, the mere thought of me being apart from it for even a minute is bothersome to him as in his little mind my pink cup and I are inseparable. 

5 )My New Face Wash Routine    

Two of my goals for the new year were to do better with my daily skin care routine and to make myself some more natural and DIY products for our home and body. I have loved waking up in the mornings lately and going to bed at night feeling good about the fact that I have accomplished both of these things in this one simple change. When my facial cleansing cloths that I had purchased at Kroger ran out at the end of last month I went to TJ Maxx and found this great glass jar with a lid for about three bucks. (It looks smaller in this picture than it actually is. Its about the size of a small cookie jar.) I also found a 24 pack of pretty, infant wash cloths for about the same price. I fill the jar about three fourths of the way full of water, add a couple of teaspoons of witch hazel, and a few squirts on Meyer's organic cleansing soap with olive oil. I keep the washcloths in the jar on my vanity and use one each morning and night to clean my face and I could not love it more. The witch hazel smells good and has a nice tingling sensation that really makes me feel like my face is getting clean, haha. Plus it feels great to know I am not just throwing away waste twice a day with regular disposable wipes. I keep a cute little waterproof bag that I have that I got from the hospital when Bug was born under my sink and I just toss the washcloths in it when I am finished and wash them weekly with other delicates. I then use some good ole ponds cold cream like grandma used to use at night and in the mornings I have been using a mix of coconut oil with a few drops of Uplift synergy blend essential oil from Eden's Garden as a moisturizer. It seems silly to include this with things that I feel have helped keep me sane this winter, but I think it's little things like skincare that I had allowed to be neglected as a busy mom that have contributed to making me feel whole again so far in this new year.  

6) Mommy Friends 
I have mentioned it before but it is worth mentioning again how thankful I am to finally have some mommy friends on and off campus again. My two best friends have always been and will continue to always be my mom and sister, but in recent months I have been reminded of what a blessing having other friends who live close by can be. There is something sacred and nourishing to the soul about sitting and drinking coffee while venting, laughing and talking to someone else who gets it and I could not have made it through this season of my life without my new tribe of "sisters". 

7) Bug
This guy here brings me so much joy!! Whether he is patiently working on taming the stray kitties on campus, getting messy playing "car wash," toting along his vacuuming basket as he fills "work orders," practicing piano, just relaxing or doing any other number of "Bug" things that keep him busy, he always brings his mommy's heart joy. He truly does make me smile and lifts my spirits daily. He is my truest blessing and the reason I get up each day. I am so very thankful for a job that allows me to be with him as he grows into such a wonderful young man. 

That's it! Seven Things that have kept me sane! What are yours?
