In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb..

Two of my loves posing while we run errands together. 

February has come and gone and March is almost halfway over.
We took same vacation days in early Feb to just get some R and R in Orange with my folks and were not back on shift long before Cliff and I both got sick. We were in and out with the virus for much of the rest of the month and I feel like I barely got to experience February at all. 

We did manage to have a nice Valentine's Day dinner together as a cottage. Cliff made his famous Chicken Alfredo that the boys really love and I was able to complete the What I love About You Challenge for the boys writing messages about all the things we love about them the week leading up to Valentine's. 

We are extremely proud to announce that our two seniors have both received acceptance letters from their chosen schools. 

Marcus will be attending Lone Star Community College in Tomball where he wants to continue nursing. He has loved taking the CNA certification course this year at the high school and is looking forward to pursuing a career helping people.

Lonestar bound! 

Marcus with his CNA teachers. 

Leo has been accepted to Texas Lutheran University in Seguin. He is excited to once again be back on the field playing football, this time at the college level. They are the bulldogs, too! 

Our new TCU Bulldog!! 

Next week is spring break and two of our boys have gone home for the week while the rest will remain here. We are soon headed to the library today with my two little book worms, G-man and Bug, after we drop Marcus off for work. Jeremiah gets to go to the Rodeo tonight with a group that is taking some of our kids. 

We are planning to have a Dr Seuss birthday party next week one day for the kids who remained on campus during the break so that should be fun and I will post pics for sure!! 

Mom and Dad will hopefully get to come over at the end of the week when we go off shift and we are planning some road trip days to see the Texas Hill Country and the bluebonnets. 

Its getting ready to be our busy season here with Pedal for Purpose, Spring Festival, and then Graduation. Ms Amy from C8 and I are already planning our cottage vacation to Nola/FL that we will be taking together. Its hard to believe that this year is just flying by and soon our older boys will be gone. It will be a whole new cottage just about by this time next year. 

Campbell and his little friend, Liam, did a project recently on how Spring weather comes in like a Lion and out like a Lamb. I am praying that our Spring Life in the cottage will do the same. With all the sickness, and a few other ups and downs we have faced I am praying for smoother days ahead filled love and laughter as we roll on into the end of this school year. 

We are asking for prayers for our seniors who are graduating, for them as they will soon be moving over to our Transitional Living Program in April and for them to finish HS strong. They are both such fine young men and we are confident in their successes in the future. We also hope and pray that they will continue to see us and our cottage as a place that feels like home and that they know that they can always come back to. 

We also are asking for prayers for whatever new young men will be joining us in the months to come. We know that God has just the right guys out there who need the kind of home that we can provide and we pray for them now wherever they are in the days and months leading up to their placement. 

Please continue to pray for Cliff and I as we pray through adoption/having another baby. I got to babysit for a neighbor for a few hours today and it really made long for another little one. I feel so strongly that God has gifted me in the area of early childhood education and care and I want  to pursue this in some way in the future further. Please pray for us as we figure out God's plan for this. 

Please pray for one of our boys who has recently been dealt some family news that I can not go into detail about but that will be life altering for him. He has been so brave and strong thus far and we feel good about the answers we've received about it so far, but I know that he is scared and nervous about what is to come. Please pray for us to have wisdom, mercy and above all else for him to see us a place where he can always find unconditional love. 

Please pray for one of our fellow Teaching Parents on campus who has had some inexplicable bouts with dizziness and nausea. Pray that he will soon get answers and find relief. 

Please also pray for one of our former c3 girls who went home recently. Pray for her to be able to graduate on her own back home in Houston and for her safety. 

Pleas also pray for my niece who is only five and recently found out she has type 1 diabetes.

We appreciate your prayers so much and defiantly feel them. Keep them coming!! 
In the meantime here a few more pics of life lately. 

Our sweet Puppy boy Snoopy has finally calmed down a bit with age and has become a very good companion for Campbell. 

My new C6 Brag Board I am proud to display in the cottage. 

The younger boys got to enjoy a day making cupcakes with a group of NCL girls. 

Marcus with two other young men on campus representing us at the Bulldog Pageant. 

Campbell and I enjoying some outside time at the Ranch. 

Campbell loves getting some play time in with one of our former C3 girls' 4H heifer. 
