Like a June Bug Flying By...

May and June are almost come and gone and have flown by it seems as these busy times of the year seem to do.

Bug got a new big boy haircut and enjoys spiking it up like his favorite "bad guy", Romeo, on PJ Masks.

We got Morgan all graduated and now we are a cottage of six instead of seven boys with his transition to College and Career. Leo, Marcus and Carlos will all be SENIORS next year, Erick will be a Sophomore, Jeremiah will be a Freshman and Campbell will be in K-6 this fall. 

Also, our sweet Carla from when we were in C3 graduated and now that she is 18 we can post her pics finally!! Isn't she a beauty!? Inside and out. I blubbered my way through her Senior speech, she made the walk across the graduation stage with Morgan and we are so proud of her as well. 

Campbell got to go to VBS at mom and Dad's church in Orange and had such a wonderful time. It is great to see him learning scripture and enjoying the same types of fun that we did as kids. He also is loving the new space at mom and dad's now that they have finished the reconstruction at their home after Harvey. 

This summer we have a number of fun theme weeks that we are doing. I was in charge of the first week, Fine Arts, and had such a great time doing it. We hosted a Fine Arts Fair, A BGC Chopped Competition, A Creative Writing/Journalism and Art Class called Write Your Story, a Dance class and went to the Contemporary Arts Museum and Art Car Museum downtown. It was a super busy but fun week.

This last week has been Science Week and we had a group come out to do Messy Science Camp with the kids. Campbell had a blast testing out all the experiments!! He also did really well in Junior Master Gardner and even got up in front of the group to give a short little presentation about his drawing. He said, "I present a squirrel and an acorn!" The teacher said and where do squirrels get acorns? He said without missing a beat, "from their dads!"
 Its so fun to see him interacting with the kids and learning. 

Next week will be History Week and we are looking forward to seeing what it will entail! 

We also had Campbell's 6th Birthday on Saturday! We had a CAR WASH party as that is his latest obsession. It turned out to be really cute and he loved it! We were so blessed by all of the friends on campus who came out to support him. It is so wonderful to see the little impact he has on this campus as well. He got a new (to him) big boy bike with training wheels and he has ridden it every single chance he has gotten! 

We've also had a good time watching the World Cup with our German Volunteer Friends and having brunch. Cliff has really enjoyed having some people around who get as into the games as he does! 

One of the craziest but also greatest things we are taking part in this summer is that Cliff and I have accepted the Summer Weight Loss Challenge that has been issued to the campus. We have been literally working our booties off going to different workouts that are being offered to staff on campus and trying to get our steps in each day. We are trying to eat better, too. No diet coke, and cutting way back on carbs, and sugars. Cliff has been such an inspiration as he is so committed to this!! I am trying to keep up with him and we are enjoying it together! It feels good to be doing it together and inspiring our boys in the process. Campbell was asking if he could go ride his bike last night and he said, "Come on, Mom, go with me. You need to get your steps!"
He and I have enjoyed our evening walks and even gotten some of the local livestock in on the action with us much to his delight. 

Up next on our agenda will be cottage vacation days and youth camp! Please pray for our boys as they prepare their hearts for what God would have to teach them at camp this year. They will be going to Panama Beach Fl July 8th-13th.

Also please pray for them as they try to find jobs this summer. Carlos has long been hard at work at his job at Smoothie King and we are proud of him and his accomplishments there. We hope for the other boys to find jobs that will also be rewarding and fulfilling to them.

Pray for Austin,  one of our boys that was in c11 when we were singles back in 2015. He had a new baby boy, Colt Patrick, this month and we are so proud of him. Pray for him as he continues to work hard to provide for his family and that he can be a good daddy who seeks God's will first. 

Please continue to pray for us as we try to keep up with this whirlwind life. 
Pray for the new boys we will most likely be getting soon in the cottage to fill 
some of our empty spots.
Pray for one of our former c3 girls who is having some issues. 
Pray for all of us as we try hard to grow closer to God and closer to one another in the process. 
We are so thankful to all of you who faithfully pray with us!! 
