Top 10 BIGGEST Prayer Requests for Boys and Girls Country Today

I wanted to get together a quick blog update and decided to do a list of the Top 10 Prayer Requests for Boys and Girls Country Today. I know many of you follow us along on our journey so that you can continue to pray for us and we appreciate that so much. It really does make a difference to know that we are lifted up by our family and friends when doing the work that we do.
So here it is Prayer Warriors!! 

Top 10 BIGGEST Prayer Requests for Boys and Girls Country Today 

1) The New Cottage Build
Two of our cottages have been completed in our new build, Watford and Pool, and Hammil is set to be finished really soon, too! The Cottage 9 family is eager to get moved into this third and latest new cottage on campus. Continue to pray for this process and the funding for this much needed overhaul for our almost 40 year old buildings. The new cottages will provide a little more room for staff and residents alike, as well as be more energy efficient. 

2) New Teaching Parents on Campus
Many of you have heard the news that my friends from Mississippi, Amy and Tommy Smith, have moved to BGC and are new Teaching Parents in Cottage 8. Please continue to pray for them and their three children, Diana, Hope and Liam as they make the transition to BGC life. Pray, also, for the boys in C8 as they learn to trust them and adjust to the changes. 

3) The Kids on Campus Who Have Gone Home or Changed Cottages
In the last month some big changes have taken place on campus with our old Cottage 3 where we served before our move. With the teaching parents who replaced us leaving, program made the tough decision to temporarily close that cottage down and allow the five girls who lived there to transition to new homes, some of them back with their families and some in new cottages on campus that are fully staffed. Please pray for all involved in this as it means big adjustments for many. I have been given such peace about this change despite its effect on our former home and some of the girls we love so dearly. God has assured me that His hand is in this and that this change can be best for all involved if we trust Him. 

4) Pray for the Marriages of the Teaching Parents on Campus
This job is hard! HAHA! And it is super hard on marriages. You spend 24/7 with your spouse and have almost no quality time. Add to that the stress of the job of raising a house full of 8 kids plus your own and you've got more than enough fuel for a disaster in a marriage. And Satan knows it! He knows if he brings down a teaching parents' marriage, he brings down the heart of a cottage full of kids. Pray that the marriages of my co=workers on this campus as well as mine and Cliff's will be strong. Pray that we will be able to make Christ the center focus of our marriage. Pray that the couples on campus will take advantage of free resources like marriage enrichment counseling that we are going to try to offer. 

5) The Wellness Committee
Our new Counseling Director on campus, Ms. BJ Barksdale, has created a Wellness Committee that is trying to figure out and meet the needs of our staff at a basic physical, mental and spiritual level. We have introduced things like weekly exercise classes, staff bible studies and book clubs, quarterly get-togethers, and nutrition trainings. Pray that we can continue to assess the ways in which we can best meet the needs of our staff and that staff will take advantage of these opportunities despite their already busy schedules. 

6) College and Career
Our beloved College and Career where we spent the summer and early fall serving has gone through and will continue to go through some major changes as they figure some things out as far as what direction it will be taking in the future. Please pray for the staff that these changes have effected as well as the kids who are on campus there now and who will be headed that way soon when they graduate. 

7) Our New Executive Director and Our Board, and their families, As Well as Our Program Managers
Vince Duran has been here as our new Executive Director since the Summer and he is great. He has had to make some tough decisions financially along with our board. Please pray for them as they lead us in the way that God would have them to lead us. Please pray also for his sweet family, wife, Ashely and two sons Conner and Lucas, who Campbell and I have grown to love very much. Pray also for our Residential Director and Program Managers, Will Henry, Michaelea Fuentes, Malcolm Guerra and Victoria Sharp who lead us daily. 

8) Our Boys
Please continue to pray for our boys as they are learning to trust us with the cottage. This new year means that we are planning to crack down a bit more on things like chores, grades and other cottage expectations. Please pray for us as we make these changes, for them to be blessed and well accepted.

9) Our Church Hunt
Cottage 6 is on the hunt for a new church for us as a Cottage family. Please pray for us as we begin the process of visiting other churches and finding the one that best fits our needs as a family.

10) The BGC Staff Who Have Been Under Attack Lately With Illnesses, Deaths in Their Families etc..
Lately it seems every time we turn around another staff member has fallen ill, or has had some sort of major family crisis that has pulled them away from work. I know that Satan senses the changes taking place here, and I feel that we are under his attack because he knows that these changes, though hard now, mean a better and brighter future for BGC. Pray for us to endure these hard days while we are under staffed while those who are dealing with these other outside forces are away. Please also pray for the sickness that has gripped our campus to be gone. Pray for Satan and his schemes to have no place here and for all to be well and back to normal so that we can get down to the business of loving kids! 

Thank you so much for your prayers. We truly could not do this without you!! More to come soon and blessings to all of you!!  
