The Third Chapter...

I don’t know why things happen the way that they do.
 I don’t know what I believe about what God causes and what He allows. But I do know 
He works together for the Good.

When we moved to this little lake house on the Boys and Girls Country College & Career campus at the beginning of the summer we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God had called us here.
Our desire to work with the older kids and with some of the staff on this campus drew us here. Our lake side sunrises and sunsets reminded us to stop and enjoy the beauty of this place we call home, and we thanked God for His reminders that He is ever present with us.

After I made my little prayer video a few weeks ago I had a friend reach out to me. She shared with me how she had felt called to missions from a young age but never fully surrendered to it. I half jokingly told her that I knew the main campus was always accepting applications for teaching parents and to my surprise she was interested. I began to pray that if it was the Lord’s will they might ask her and her husband to join us in the work we do here, to stretch them in their faith and grow them as He has us, but little did I know that He would be stretching us in big ways as well. 

Two weeks ago our executive director called us in for a meeting to share with us that the position for which we had just been hired to a few short months ago at college and career was suddenly being terminated for financial reasons. Because they didn’t want to lose us as a couple working here, they offered us Cottage 6, a boys cottage back on the main campus who’s teaching parents would be leaving at the end of the month.

This was obviously a shock.
We were faced with questions like, 
Why would God call us to College and Career only for this to happen?
 Was God really calling us back to the main campus?
Or, was it time for us to move on somewhere else?

We have gone round and round with the Lord and know that Satan has done his best to persuade us of everything except what is the Lord's will. He has hit us with every obstacle possible it seems, but ultimately it became clear that Boys and Girls Country is still our home and it is where God has called us to for now.

I had a friend who is a self proclaimed sci-fi nerd joke on Facebook this last week or so ago that when God closes a door, He opens a window, if He closes also all the windows, too, He will most certainly open a portal!

It feels as though this is what He has done! Stepping back onto the other campus, but this time on the boy’s side feels surreal, but also somehow like God’s hand is surely upon us.

We are excited to begin a new third chapter of our journey here, and even more excited to have our dear friends (the one who interviewed just a few weeks ago after our phone conversation)  who will be starting soon as our neighbors. I had been praying for God to bring me a new best friend, but I never dreamed it would be in the form of an old friend as well. 

God truly does work in mysterious ways.

We are thankful, also, for the friendships we have developed on the College and Career Campus and know that they will continue.

Those of you who have followed us during our time here and who have prayed for us, we ask you again to pray fervently for us during this time of transition.

I will post soon with more on the new cottage and the boys in our care.
But for now I close with a few pics of our last days at our beloved lake house home that we know God used to restore our souls for the work He has called us to ahead.
