I cannot believe it is December!

As a kid I counted down the months and weeks and finally the days to December, that magical time that held both Christmas and my birthday.

As a mom the month creeps up on me and somehow surprises me when it's suddenly here.
Maybe it's the warmer temps in Texas but I suspect it's also the scenario where the days seem long but the years are short when you have children. My kids' lives are flying by and we are trying to soak up every moment we can.

Thanksgiving was wonderful.
 It was a truly amazing week of rejuvenation and family time as my brother got to come home from California. We also snuck in a few extra days for quality time with just Cliff, Bug and myself which was much needed. It's amazing how much quantity does not always equal quality when it comes to time spent together in this job so a chance to make up for that is always welcome.

This week begins our busy Christmas schedule!
We had our first Christmas party with a company that comes out to sponsor us each year to put on a big dinner complete with live music, entertainment and Santa! Campbell wasn't quite sure about sitting on his lap but he was pretty excited to see the Big Guy in person.

Saturday night I took the girls to see The Houston Repertoire Ballet production of The Nutcracker. And though it made me miss the time a few years ago I got to see it performed with my daddy at Pearl River, it was a wonderful way to get into the Christmas spirit.

Sunday we had the San Jacinto High Rollers Motorcycle Club braving this cold rain to ride in and put on a show for our kids. Santa and his elves (dressed in their best leather biker gear) threw another party for the kids before riding off to their own charity event that raises tons of money for us each year.

After that we had our birthday sponsor group  for our cottage come out and do a little party for us to celebrate the holidays, so we are just about partied out this weekend, but it was all very fun.

In all the free time this weekend (haha) we managed to pull all our Christmas stuff out and begin the daunting task of decorating our five Christmas trees, and getting set up for our annual Christmas decorating contest.

This next two weeks coming up we have band concerts, choir performances, more Christmas parties, Kaleigh's birthday, my birthday, our annual Tour of Lights Decorating Contest (My personal fave! I mean how dream job is it that I am paid to decorate for Christmas!), and finally what we call Day of Wonder where our kids get to open gifts from our Christmas sponsors.
It's a lot to do in a short amount of time but it's so much fun and we all love it!

God is good. He brought us through some hard times in October and November but he has reminded us over and over that He is faithful.

Now as we enter this busy season it is our prayer that we not hustle and bustle through the holidays and past Him. 

Prayer requests for this time of the year include our girls who will not have family that they can go home to when school lets out for the break. Pray for thier hearts as they see thier peers going home for coveted family time and pray for us as we stay here with them that we can make this cottage feel like home and the days we are blessed to be with them turn into warm memories in ther minds. 

Pray for Bailey as she will be leaving our home here at BGC and transitioning into a new home with an adoptive family. 

Pray for Cliff and I as we will miss family this hoilday season. Hopefuly we will get to see his family over New Year's if they can fly into Houston, and thankfully my family is close enough by that we will see them some, but the decision to work and be here Christmas day for our girls means that we will be away from our families on that day. Though we are exctited about clelebrating this day here it will truly be a different kind of Christmas for us, indeed.
