June Photo Round-Up

How is June already over?
I can't believe how quickly it flew by!
With Summer officially starting, Bug's birthday, and our annual Children's Awards Banquet June was filled to the brim with fun and excitement.

These pics sum up the summer so far here @ BGC!  

Even though the Texas heat is in full swing we have managed to enjoy some
outdoor activities including walking Georgia! 

Princess Kelly! 

The girls all ready for our first swim of the summer as they show off the cute summer wreath they made!

Visiting the animals on the ranch.

We got to walk through the Compassion International experience where the girls and I got to see how some real life
kids in other parts of the world live. 

It was eye opening to see the modest school houses and tiny shelters that children across the world call home. 

Our very first Junior Master Gardner meeting of the summer.

Erin shows off some of our garden's yummy harvest! 

Working hard in the garden! 

Alton, Brandie's brother, shows off the okra he picked !

Erin enjoys a treat while she gets her hair cut! 

Brandie and me at the award's banquet 

Bri and me cheese it up at the award's banquet

Neano and Daddy-O with Erin at the award's banquet. She won the award for most improved
student of the year! So proud!! 

Brandie and Mr. Cliff

Brandie and Erin at the Award's Banquet

Neano and Daddy-O with three of their "grand daughters"

Kelly won Most Improved Academics of the year and she also won the prize for the Resident's
choice for Outstanding Role Model on campus! 
My baby boy turned four!! 

Enjoying his birthday morning waffles!! 

Neano and Daddy-O got him a wagon for his b-day! 

Bug loves the rides! 

Aunt May got to come for his bday and they had a good time at the park! 

Birhday Boy enjoys his favorite past time, swinging! 

Opening presents! 

Birthday boy with his haul after opening gifts! 

One of his favorite gifts, a train! 
Bug's first Basketball Camp! 
Selam's got some ups! 

Brandie and Brianna @ Bball camp

Bri and Brandie show off their moves! 

Bug looks like such a big boy! 

My big boy shows off his new cute Peppa Pig and Thomas the Train croc snaps he got
for his bday! Love this guy so much!! 

Brandie with her lovely "B" she made with her wonderful mentor, Ms. Carla.

My two handsome men! 

Walking Georgia at the park! 

Campbell and Erin at the pool! 

We got library cards (Erin's first ever) and checked out some summer reads!
