A Word From Brandie About Life Lately @ BGC...

Hello .
My name is Brandie Nicole Rynay Lettsome.

Here I am in the middle with some other BGC residents after our choir concert. 

I live at Boys and Girls Country in cottage 3 with five other girls. 
I am 13 and going into the eighth grade. 
I have lived at BGC for almost two years now. 
I also have a younger brother who is almost 10 who lives here. 

Life at BGC is fun but sometimes not fun too. 
But I enjoy my time here. 
Some people think that BGC is for bad children, but if you really think about it, its really not. We are good kids, but we just had a hard life. 

My parents here are Ms. Jayna and Mr. Cliff. Their son is Campbell. He is really cute.  Campbell and I love to play with his Peppa Pig house and play outside bouncing his ball and playing with his lawnmowers and on the playground. He is like my best friend. Every morning when he wakes up he runs to me and says, " Hi Brandie!" 

Lately its been crazy here. Billie graduated this past weekend and we had at least three parties for here at the cottage. I was so proud of her. I will miss her so much when she is gone. 

The thing I am looking forward to most this summer is spending time with my cottage family, swimming and exercising. 

Please pray for me that I can continue to do good in school and graduate one day like Billie did.
Pray for the new girls who will come into our cottage soon that we don't know yet.
Pray for us to have a happy and safe summer.

Billie and Selam after graduation.

The grad and Bug! 

Throwing her cap! 

Mr. Cliff with Kelly and Selam on the way to graduation. 
Billie's Grad Shower

We all celebrate Billie! 

Selam cooked us a Mexican Fiesta for supper! 

Erin and I helped Ms. Jayna prepare Billie's graduation party food. 

Kelly and me being silly during the heavy rain. 

Bug walking Georgia.

Sweet Bug is getting so big.

Georgia got a haircut. 

One of the boys on campus at jr high graduation with Ms. Jayna

Erin, me and Brianna with our seventh grade completions and awards. 

Kelly in her new Whataburger job uniform. 

Watching Pee Wee!! 

Aunt May and Bug


Bug chilling in my green chair! 

Cutie Pie! 

Bug practices his "C"'s in shaving cream at home school

And makes a mess!! 

Bug helps make a car counting game.

Counting Cars!

Proud of his hard work!  

Spelling his name in blocks! 

Name blocks!
