All in a Day's Time...

Cottage 3 Life is easy on this laid back Saturday! 

Erin posing with our roses.

Sometimes the hardest part of doing a good job with our work here is keeping up with a routine that works well for everyone. Coordinating the schedules of 8-10 people at a time can be very difficult.

Cliff and I have finally gotten a routine that works for us as far as our days on duty when we are caring for the girls. I am typically the one who gets up with them in the mornings when the alarm goes off at 5 AM. I have breakfast ready, get them their medicine, do room checks and and if things go well have time to do a quick devotion with them before they have to head out to meet the bus.  

Our Erin is still not riding the bus so she and I have come up with a good plan that works well as a motivator for her in the mornings. If she can get up, and get herself dressed and ready for school by the time the other girls leave on the bus, we have just enough time for her to help me walk our puppy, Georgia, before it is time for she and I to head to the junior high in the van. Not only is this a good motivator for her, but it also offers her a chance to have some one-on-one time with me while engaging in an activity that gives her a sense of ownership and pride over an animal, which she loves.

Erin with Georgia getting cuddles after our morning walk. 

By the time I get home in the morning's from taking her to school it is usually around 7/ 7: 30 and I have about an hour for mommy time! I am trying to keep up with a prayer journal of sorts and have been inspired by some of the war room pins on Pinterest for helping me get my prayer life in order during this time each day. I may do a blog later on this, but for now I will say that this has been a true source of help and motivation for the rest of my day. I have found true delight in how much I look forward to this time each day.

I've started doing more intensive  preschool every day with Campbell now that we do have more of our routine down and I don't have any more excuses. At around 8:30 or so I get him up and get him breakfast before we begin preschool time each day. He amazes me how smart he is at just 3 1/2. He is learning phonetics and is beginning to read! He always has been a fast learner and had the added advantage of witnessing all of the preschool that I did a few years ago when he was just a baby and young toddler and I kept children in our home to make ends meet. He was saying his alphabet sounds before the other children in my care could answer when he was only 18 months old, so I guess it shouldn't be surprising that he is learning to read now, but I am still so humbled by this gift that God has given me in the form of this bright child. It makes me even more aware of being a good steward of the blessing that he is in my life. I don't want to be guilty of my own sin of laziness keeping him from succeeding and being all that he can be, even at this young age.

Bug's preschool room in the apartment of our cottage. 

Bug practicing his number flashcards! 

We also have such a precious gift in the surroundings where we live. I know I have blogged at other times about what a beautiful campus we live on but I am finding it even more true as he gets older and I watch him experience new things. He is big enough now as we reach the year mark of our time here that he can climb to the top of the playground unassisted. He is getting more and more brave as he explores and it is so precious to watch him talking to himself as he is experiencing his world with mama just a few yards away, but far enough still for him to gain some independence. It is so wonderful to be able to end our preschool time with outdoor play in such beautiful surroundings.

Bug on his slide! 

I truly cherish this time with him and Cliff has even asked me here lately if he could possibly get in on the action and do some of the preschool teaching with Bug a few days a week! I love this idea! Not only because it means mommy might get in a nap or a bath, but more so because it thrills me to think that Campbell could have the gift of both parents taking part in his home school education. Our time with him and the fact that we could keep him home with us was one of the things that drew us to this kind of work so I love Cliff's willingness to participate in this way!

By 2 it is time for Cliff to go pick Erin up from school and the other girls get off the bus around three. We have Ed lab time at 3:30 Monday - Thursday, on Mondays we have various girls athletics events in the evening depending on the season and whose participating, on Tuesdays three of the girls have counseling times throughout the afternoon and evening, on Wednesdays we have our Beth Moore bible study at 5:30, and Thursdays is more girls athletics games. Brianna and Kelly are our main two athletes and between them have participated in basketball, volleyball and soccer this year. Friday's are more calm. TGIF!
But usually no matter what day it is by about 6:30 or 7:00 Cliff takes over for his own shift with the girls balancing out my time with them in the mornings after we have both shared in the afternoon prime time duties.

That gives me time to walk Georgia again with Bug, an activity that he absolutely adores. Then it's bath time and bedtime in his big boy bed! Both of these two things, baths and sleeping alone, have been hurdles for him since moving to bgc a year ago, along with potty training, but I am happy to say he is finally getting the hang of all three.

Bug's newest obsession: night time skating during our walk with Georgia! 

Bug tries to go to sleep in his "big boy bed!"

 It is such a joy to be able to work in a home like this where we have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the girls in our care but also to be able to be such active participants in Campbell's education and home life. I know what a true blessing this is, especially this day in age!

Thank you for your continued prayers for us. You have no idea what that kind of support means. Lately, I have really felt that there are powers of evil here on this campus and in our home who hate the good work that we are doing. I know that some of the illnesses, sleeplessness, and general frustrations are the work of this. I ask that when you pray for us,  you pray specifically for those things to have no place here and for us to stand strong against them! It is proof of the good work we are doing and we want to stand firm in Him who leads us in this journey.

It is such a blessing to watch our dear children learn and grow and love and to know we have your support each step of the way. 

Erin, Brandie and Bug play his ABC game. 

Pray for our dear Bug and his continued growth in all the areas of his young life.

Pray that our marriage would continue to be strong, even in times of frustration and that this experience would bond is closer together as a couple.

Pray for the girls as we push them to become all that God wants for them to be, while at the same time trying to give them all the love in the whole world that there is to give. Pray specifically for Brandie as some big decisions are getting ready to be made concerning her and her family. While I can't go into details too much, your prayers for her are greatly appreciated as the Heavenly Father knows the situation and the solution.
