A year later...

This time last year our little family of three made a journey from New Orleans to Houston to visit this place that we now call home. It was the end of Spring Break week and so we spent a very quiet weekend previewing in a cottage here on campus. 
Ann and Darwin Gilmore, a teaching parent couple who we now consider to be very good friends, were working here as singles at the time. The Rodeo was in town. And we got a taste of what life here at BGC would be like. 
We didn't expect an offer, though we got one that very weekend and as we made the drive back east we felt a tugging on our hearts that this was the place God was calling us. 
The cottage we stayed in that weekend was Cottage 3, the very same cottage in which we now serve. 
Some of the girls we met that weekend have moved on, but some remain. 
Brandie's smiling face and kind words to Bug drew me in to her immediately. Ann proudly showed us pics of Billie's cake creations. We rode with the Gilmore's to pick Selam up from her home that Saturday and I recall how instantly the atmosphere in the van went from calm and quiet to a buzz of energy the moment she got in. 
We just had a glimpse of Vanessa, who is the now graduated sister of Kelly, as she busily came in and out from the rodeo. 
It's just so strange and wonderful now to think of that weekend and realize all of the pieces that were being put into place. 
This Spring Break week some of the girls have gone home for an off campus visit but Billie, Kelly and Selam remain. We have had fun going to the Rodeo, riding all the rides and seeing a show. 
I look forward to what the week has in store but more than that I look forward to what Lord has in store for our future. I never could have dreamed all that he has made possible in this last year, so I can not even imagine what he is creating for us in the year to come. 

On a sad note, Rhonda has gone home for various reasons and to help care for family. We were very saddened to see her go and she will be greatly missed. Her presence here in this cottage was a great one, and I covet your prayers for her as she enters this next chapter of her life. 

As I reflected on her absence the other day I was reminded of an odd phenomenon I noticed a few months back. First Billie cut her once long locks into a bob very similar to mine. Then she dyed it dark auburn. Soon after Rhonda dyed her hair auburn, Kelly put Auburn streaks in her hair while home one weekend and then Selam and Brianna began begging to get auburn highlights as well. I don't think it was a conscious thing at all but slowly over the course of the fall the girls began to mimic me in this way. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but it got me thinking about what other influences I was having over them as well. I pray that in the time she was here we have had some positive influences over her that she will take home and share with those around her. 

This has been a busy few weeks as the world forever moves on and never seems to slow here at BGC. Brianna turned 13, (all teens in the cottage now!), Shari, Cliff's sister got married to long time sweet-hearT, Jay and Bug got to spend some great cousin time, Kelly turns 18 tomorrow and we have another wedding coming up this weekend for a cousin of mine. Its a whirlwind of activity but we love it! We thank you for your continued prayers for us all and as always there are lots of photos to share! 

Bri helps Bug climb up the slide.

The conquering hero post-climb! 

My sweet Bug in his new hat! 

He quickly turned it around backwards like his daddy! 

When did he become such a big boy?

Naps on the way to NOLA. 

Best uncle in the world! 

Cliff and Gabby are too cute.

Me trying to be a Gabby look alike too! 

Leila spiking the ball in her volleyball tournie! 

Cliff's father Wayne looks on over his son and grandson. 

Cousin fun! 

Cousins, Leila and Thomas, whose mother and father were wed with Bug.

Campbell loves these two so much! 

Trying to get artsy! 

The happy couple married by our sweet friend and minister, Brian.

Cheesing with niece and nephew! 

Daddy and Son love! 

Making birthday cupcakes for Brianna! 

Brianna's 13 zebra print cupcakes. 

Bug was pretty proud of himself! 

The birthday princess!! 

Selam the dare devil! 

My obligatory rodeo pic with the ferris wheel. 

Selam, Billie and her bf Garrett on the rides. 

Selam at the carnival at the rodeo. 

Selam and I overlooking Houston from NRG Stadium.

Watching Billy Curryington perform. 

Bug's new little friend who is the grandson of another couple on campus. 

Little climbers and new buds! 


  1. So much change in one short year and God has ordained it all!

  2. Very nice to be able to see your work and rejoice with you in the happiness you exude for your service to our Lord in the lives of those young people. May God continue to richly bless you and your family as you serve Him there.


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