Just over the Horizon..

I can't quite get over how beautifully haunting a new day beginning here at our little ranch is. The fog as it just begins to lift over the horizon that is aglow with the hope of the sunrise reminds me of our children, for they, too, are on the brink of greatness. The mornings here at BGC, like  radiance cloaked in a veil of darkness lifting, can serve to remind us all of His promises for what is to come, just over the horizon. 

And so a new year begins, 2016.

As some of you may have seen on Facebook we rang in the new year with a few of girls who were here on campus with us and with a few of our friends from Cottage 11. We played our favorite card game, Nertz, watched movies and played board games. It was good to see our kids enjoying some old fashioned family fun for a change instead of being so connected to their devices. We did manage to take a few selfies and pictures though! 

New Year's Day Cliff made seafood gumbo, and black eyed peas for luck with his kitchen helper, Billie. 

Those two have really bonded in recent weeks and it makes my heart glad. One of the sweetest things I came across lately was a note written on some homemade chicken noodle soup Cliff had helped Billie make. We have to label all of the food that we put into the fridge for licensing purposes but this note caught my eye. It read, "Best Chicken Noodle Soup Ever, Made by Billie and Sunshine." (Sunshine is her new nickname for him and he loves it and so do I!) 

I also have to add this picture of Brandie with her gumbo and her one little tiny pea on top of her rice. She is not a fan of black eyed peas, but ate just that one for luck in the new year!
 Haha. She is so sweet.

School has now started back and we are into the swing of things again. We are trying to coordinate tutoring, soccer practice, basketball practice, tae kwon do classes, band practices, bible study, after school jobs and counseling sessions all into our week so we are staying very busy! But God is Good. He is giving us a renewed sense of energy and is blessing us at each and every turn. 

I feel as though the year that has passed since last January has taught us many things, but mostly it has taught Cliff and I about leaning on each other and leaning on the Father. Blessings come in many different forms. Sometimes they come wrapped up in neatly tied packages as easily recognizable good things in your life, and sometimes they are more sneaky than that. Blessings truly can come from the ashes, from the heartaches, from the hard times and from the fog lifting over the horizon. 

Pray for Billie as she tries to decide what she will do after she graduates this May. Pray for Cliff and I and our education and college and career staff as we try to guide her. 

Pray for Erin as she gets back into the schedule of school that she can rise to the challenge and move forward with momentum in the progress she is making.

Pray for Rhonda as her family recently lost her "Nana". Pray for her as she too, gets back into the swing of things as school and that she can finish strong this semester with grades. 

Pray for Brianna and her family as some transition is taking place for them back home. Pray for healing and for Brianna's heart in dealing with it all. Pray also that she can continue to juggle her busy sports and school schedule. 

Pray for Brandie as she continues on a path toward maturity. Pray that she will see our efforts as a way to help her and that she will embrace the help with open arms so that she might grow.

Pray for Selam to find her place and her purpose. Pray for her to see BGC as a blessing not a hindrance for her future and for her eyes to opened to all that she could accomplish if she would allow herself to dream! 

Pray for Kelly as she balances sports and school and new jobs. Pray for her as a new driver. Pray that she, too, will trust God to show her all that He wants for her to accomplish in her life. 

Pray for Cliff as he continues to bond and build relationships with the girls. Pray that he will see the impact that he is making on them and how awesome he is at this job! 

Pray for me to balance it all and still find time to spend with sweet Bug. Pray for my endurance and for me to be an example to these girls of positive Christ like living.

Pray for Bug as he too bonds with the girls. Pray for him as he is learning to share mommy and daddy with so many. Pray that he knows how very much we love him.

Pray for us all as we are trying to eat better and live more healthful lives in the new year.

Pray for mom and dad's house in Clinton as they will hopefully soon close on it this month. Pray for all the details of that to work out smoothly. 

Also please pray for my dear friend Angela who has been battling with pulmonary fibrosis and has been in the hospital ICU for a few weeks now. She is younger than I am and is the most precious soul you will ever meet. 

Thank you so much for your continued support! We couldn't do what we do without you and we are blessed by you! 

Also, I finally got Christmas cards in the mail yesterday!! Haha!! Hey, I have 8 kids so that's my excuse, better late than never. So some of you will be getting those soon as well. Love you all!! 
