Monday Morning Ranch Reflections...

 This morning as I pulled back into home after dropping Erin
off at school it was just a  little after seven am and the sun was peeking up over the horizon. It seemed to be greeting our cattle on campus, kissing the tops of their heads and giving its warm sun salutations.
We have more new babies on campus than I realized. They were all clustered up by their mothers in the front pasture feeding while big daddy bull kept a watchful eye out from nearby.

I walked back down to where they are on the edge of campus after parking the van, stopping to pet Sterling the horse on my way, and got some good deep breaths of fresh ranch air.
The cool crisp morning got me excited for fall to hurry up and get here; I think I anticipate it more than any other season!

We are back on shift this week after enjoying several days in Orange last week with mom and dad in their new home and church. It was so good to meet some of their new wonderful church members and explore the city of Orange.
Campbell loved getting to go to the West Orange-Stark football game and he was so interested in the bands. I think he is going to grow up and play drums like his Uncle Boo based on how much he loved them.


Neano and Daddy-O spoiled Bug and I taking us to all thier new fave places to eat and got special ice cream treats for him that he, of course, loved! 

Until they get the house sold they are staying in the camper at a very nice little park on the outskirts on town. Though they already have a couple of awesome prospects for potential new houses they may decide that they are enjoying the simpler life in the camper and just stay put awhile! Bug and I sure found it cozy and vacation-like. He mowed the yard for the park and loved having the cats to play with so close by. 



We are so thankful to the Lord for His provisions both for us and for our parents.
This time last year if you had told me that we would all be living back in Texas I would have questioned it, but we could not be more thrilled to be back in the Lone Star State. 

God is good. 
He knows our next steps before we even think about taking them and He prepares a way for us where there seems to be no way. I know this has been true for us as of late. 

This morning as turned to walk back home after snapping a few pics of the cattle at sunset I realized that the moon was still visible behind me in the east. I was reminded of how The Lord is the Master Creator, weaving our pasts together into glorious new days ahead. 

Prayer Requests:

Pray for mom and dad's houses in both Clinton and Pville to sell.

Pray for our new girls in C3 as they continue to grow trust with us as we grow into a family.

Pray for Bug as he continues to adjust to the new cottage. 

Pray for one of my girls in the old cottage C2 where we were singles who is having a hard time right now. Pray for wisdom for her teaching parents and the BGC team in how to best serve her and her needs. 
