End Of Summer and New Beginnings...

Much has happened in the last several days.
We lost my dear Mimi and my family laid her to rest along side the earthly body of my sweet Dandy. They now walk together with Jesus along the streets of gold. More on her later as I am still processing it all.

We have started in our new cottage.
Cottage 3.

It has been a good first shift with three days left to go.
School starts for the kids tomorrow and Cliff and I are really looking forward to having our days back to ourselves a bit. Though we will miss the girls it is going to be nice to have time to spend with Campbell one on one and also to get ourselves adjusted in the home.

We will not be able to get all of our stuff from Nola until next month but for now we are happy as clams in our new bigger apartment. Campbell just runs around and around in the open space back there since there is no furniture to speak of yet. I know he has missed this room to just be a wild little boy.

Campbell is adjusting well to the new cottage and the new girls. He seems to really be hitting it off with them and them with him as well. I am glad. He misses his other friends he has made but he gets to see them around campus and it is truly an answer to prayer for him to be getting along so well with these girls too.

Mom and Dad are just a hop, skip and a jump away in Orange, TX and we could not be more thrilled!! Bug and I are going to get to spend some time with them there in a few days on our days off getting to explore the new stomping grounds! There is still so much to do here to get ourselves really ready for taking over this cottage properly but we will also really be ready for a short break with them.

We have gone to back to school banquets, driven girls to and from summer jobs, gone back to school shopping with them, gone to meet the teacher, and the list it seems goes on and on.
I am exhausted. Haha.
These girls have really worn us out.
But it is good tired.

I will write more later but for now I will leave you with pics and prayer requests at the bottom.

My little grocery helper with the smile that won't quit!

Bug helping Mommy make cookies.

Watching for our dear friend who came to visit and interview at campus.

Bug-sket Ball!! 

The three younger girls, Brainna, Brandie and Erin. All are going into the seventh grade. 

The three older girls, Selam. Kelly and Billie. Selam will be a Freshman, Kelly a Junior and Billie a Senior.

Prayer Requests:
Pray for the girls as they start a new school year and adjust to us in the cottage. We are tightening up the reigns a bit so to speak from the last houseparents and so this too will be something that the girls will have to get used to that could cause potential problems.

Pray for Bug as he begins serious potty training soon. He was doing well with the beginning stages of it before we moved and then he was totally thrown off by all of our moving around from house to house. So please pray that now that we are in a permanent spot he will be able to master this skill!

Please pray for us as we adjust back to the early schedule for school. A quarter to five comes way too early for these night owls.

Please continue to pray for my family as they deal with the loss of my Mimi, especially my daddy and my aunt.

Please pray for mom and dad as they start out their new ministry in Orange.
