Hump Day Recipe to Get You Through the Week: Leftover Steak Breakfast Burritos

Last night we grilled steaks with our boys.
But I made just a few too many in an attempt to be certain I filled the bottomless pits that are my boys stomachs. So, I decided to scour my Pinterest page
for recipes that called for left over steaks.
 I settled on doing some make ahead Steak and Cheese Breakfast Burritos with the tater tots that were left over added in as well.
For 16 breakfast burritos I used:
3 Large Steaks, cooked and cut into cubes
1/4 bag frozen tater tots made into hash browns
14 medium eggs
Cheese, enough to lightly sprinkle over the top of each burrito
16 flour tortillas
Just gather your ingredients and assemble the night before, then put into a container to keep in the fridge til morning.
Easy Peasy!!!
Its perfect for those early mornings before the boys head off to their summer jobs!
Sometimes adding something a little bit special, like steak, to an otherwise mundane breakfast, makes all the difference in  your whole day! It is my prayer that this start to my boys' day will give them the boost they need to feel energized and loved!
And isn't it amazing too, how putting forth that little bit of extra effort to make a hot and filling breakfast for your kids instead of just cold cereal or a pop tart can be the difference that need to feel loved starting out their day?!
