Photo Friday: Harris Family Happenings

Bug and I got to spend one of our days off enjoying our local park.
I can't get enough of that happy little Bug smile!

A fun family lunch enjoying the simple things in life at Cracker Barrell

My Little Helper Bug carries his new stool.


Just a day in the life of Bug; doing some vacuuming (he loves
that he is big enough to do this now!), talking on his banana
phone to Daddy-O and trying to ride a skateboard like
the big boys but looking oh so little and cute!!

Some of my boys with my Bug at our pool
and Bug getting brave venturing out into the shallow end by himself.
We are so blessed by this pool! How awesome is it??
I am in love!!
Bug and Mommy chilling on the porch swing.
And finally, our newest addition, The New Harris Family car. Bug enjoyed the cut-outs at the Kia dealership and we all enjoy the new Sportage that we left with. Its a long, crazy story, but we couldn't be happier with our choice! And as you can see Cliff is already supporting Georgia on the back! :)

