Life on the Ranch: A Little Bug's Paradise...

"I dreamt of a place like this for you to be,
where the lush, freshly cut grass so green
stretches out for miles and meets the horizon
in the biggest sky you've ever seen.

Balls and bikes. Slides and Swings.
Everywhere you look are little boy toys.
Places to explore and discover abound,
providing hours upon hours of little boy joys.
The moon is wide and glowing warm,
The horse is resting in his hay 
The cattle are lowing in the fields
Singing you a lullaby to end your day.
I dreamt of a place like this for you to be,
To grow up in love and laughter,
With your father and me and house so full
Its brimming to the top in happily ever after."
To my Little Bug, from your mommy with help in the
writing process from Rachel
The swimming pool here at BGC opened last night in an end of the school year, kick off to summer bash. It was the first time that Campbell had ever gotten to try swimming in a full sized pool like that and not just in a kiddie pool. I was nervous about how he would do, but I hoped he would enjoy it since his mommy loves to swim so much. The pool here is great. Its extra large to accommodate all the kids and has an awesome, twisting slide. It also has a beach side entry that is made from smooth cut stone that looks like sand from a distance and that drops off slowly into the shallow end. This was a perfect place for a little bug who was just learning to play with his mommy. He mostly splashed at first and pretended to be Peppa Pig jumping in muddy puddles, but slowly he started wanting to go out further and I was able to teach him how to stretch his legs out behind him and kick as I held him. We had so much fun experiencing the water together in this new way.
 At one point last night I stopped and looked around at the amazing pool I was lounging in with all the kiddos swimming and having a grand time, and my own son beaming with joy and I had to stop and just ponder the thought that, though BGC is not always that easy, in that fabulous moment I was getting paid to be there! Pretty awesome!

Bug was timid at first but soon got the hang of the big pool!

But the wonderful pool is not the only thing that makes this place a little boys paradise. BGC raises all its own grass fed, organic beef so this means there are lots of cattle behind the cottages out in the fields. Campbell loves to go visit the cows and their friend, Sterling, the horse. This up close and personal farm life has been a surreal experience for him I think as he has thus far before this point pretty much been a city boy. I honestly think he thought cows and horses and other farm animals where just characters in a show about Old McDonald. What I mean to say is that they only existed to him before now in songs and cartoons or pictures on a screen or in books the same way that Elmo does on Sesame Street. I love that he is now able to see and begin to understand this part of God's creation in a more tangible real life way. He still calls the farm part of BGC
"The EIEIO" but I think he's starting to get it.
There are also three playgrounds, two outdoor basketball courts, an indoor gym, a baseball diamond, a jogging track, a BMX bike track, regular bike paths, a movie theater room, a music room and an art center here on campus so the little boy ( and little girl) entertainment possibilities are almost endless. It blesses my heart so much to be in a place where Bug can grow up with so many wonderful experiences and fun things.  
But perhaps the best part of being here in this place is that I get to be with him everyday. Whether we are enjoying a laid back Saturday like we are having today when the girls in the cottage are relaxing enjoying the first few days of summer, playing video games and watching movies while I enjoy some time to write, or if its a busy, busy day with next to no time to stop with all eight cottage kids going in different directions, my Bug is by my side. This is how I always wanted my career to be. I remember those early days with him when he was just a tiny little baby and I had to go back to work at the church Mother's Morning Out. There were a few days when his daddy's schedule conflicted with mine and I was allowed bring him with me to work. I made copies,worked on the computer, and taught preschoolers all while carrying him with me nestled close by my side in his baby carrier. I longed for a day when I would be able to make money to help provide for our family but also be with my bug all day too. I made it work that way when I made the decision to stay home with him at six months and keep kids in our home. But today, its even better, because not only are Bug and I side by side, but his daddy is right there with us! This place is not only a Little Bug's paradise, it is a paradise  for us as a family too, as we get to do life together, all of us side by side, everyday!
What a blessing!!
Thank you God for this Little Bug's Paradise that truly is an answer to prayer for us all!!
