Hump Day Recipe to Get You Through The Week: The Pot Roast That Almost Wasn't

A few Sundays ago I knew that it was going to be extra crazy, busy. Not only would we have the usual task of getting ten of us up and dressed and fed and out the door in time for church but we also had to be there extra early for a City Charities Fair that was going on that day before the service began to run the BGC booth signing up volunteers to work with us.
After Sunday School and worship and running the booth we also had to attend a meeting about fundraising for our boys church camps that are coming up.
So, needless to say, I knew that it was going to be a long day and that the boys would be starving by the time we got home.
 (I also knew that this mommy would be exhausted and
would not want to have to cook a big meal.)
I decided to try the crockpot for the first time cooking for such a large crowd.
I got out the biggest roast I could find from the freezer full of our own farm raised organic beef and thawed it overnight. Extra early the next morning I was up and preparing it for its day long marathon of slow cookery. I tenderly rubbed it with seasonings, chopped veggies to go with it, and covered it in a cool bath of water before turning on the heat and leaving it to do its thang.
After this TLC it was all I could do to keep my mind off of it throughout the day at church.
While I was chatting folks up about volunteering at BGC I was dreaming of the applause I would receive from the boys as we entered the house after church, the aromatic juices of roasting perfection hitting our nostrils.
While listening to the sermon I could not help but for my mind to wander, what if I didn't set it to cook long enough? Would we return to a raw hunk of meat and have to do take out, saving the roast for supper?
While sitting patiently in the fundraising meeting, another worry crept in. What if I miscalculated the time it would take to cook and we instead returned home to smoke clouds and a black, burnt to a crisp brick!? Visions of the turkey on Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation ran through my head!
 "I'm sorry!"

Finally the last volunteer was signed up, the final amen was said and all ten of us were returning home, fundraiser candles in hand. My anxiety was high though I tried to hide it from the boys.
I talked a big game of pre-teaching prep for what everyone needed to do when we got home to get ready for dinner, but in my head I was preparing myself for the worst.  
And then, bliss!
My day dream visions had come true. There it was. Perfect and smelling divine!
 The joys of crockpot cooking at its finest.
I quickly prepped the sides and directed the boys to wash up and set the table. Everything was ready and all that was left to do was to move the roast from the crockpot to the serving tray to be sliced.
And then,
The roast slipped from my utensil, missed the serving tray and was headed for the floor. In one quick swoop I acted in true ninja style pinning the roast between the counter and myself swiftly reacting and returning the rogue roast to its natural resting place on the tray. (Or in more accurate terms you should picture a hippo in a ninja Halloween costume burning the heck out of her stomach in a clumsy attempt to throw the roast back on the tray, missing it and then as it hits the counter throwing it again at the tray after looking around to see if anyone was looking, enacting the five second rule.)

Disaster adverted. Praise the Lord!
My perfect Sunday dinner came together and the boys all devoured it! The roast was juicy and oh so tasty, the veggies were roasted to perfection and though there was no applause at the end of the meal, most of the boys thanked me, which when speaking of teenage boys is a miracle in and of itself.
(And the scar on stomach has almost healed!)
You can find the recipe I used here on Pinterest
 and follow missionmommyjourney on Pinterest by searching username JJHMommy.

